Co-ownership of Tel Aviv Apartment to be Dissolved in Belgium

Lawsuit for dissolution of co-ownership in Tel Aviv apartment, filed by ex-wife against ex-husband, dismissed.

A foreign resident who divorced her husband (also a foreign resident) filed a lawsuit in the Tel Aviv Family Court. The lawsuit sought to dissolve the couple’s co-ownership of an apartment they purchased in Tel Aviv and sell it to the highest bidder. The couple is already engaged in legal proceedings in Belgium regarding their property separation.

Judge Lauren Akoka of the Tel Aviv Family Court accepted the husband’s argument (represented by our firm) that the appropriate forum for discussing the dissolution of co-ownership is the Family Court in Belgium. The Israeli court ruled that it lacks jurisdiction in this case. The Family Court in Belgium had already determined that it has international jurisdiction to hear the property claim, including matters concerning the property in Israel, and that Belgian law would apply to the parties’ case.

As a result, the lawsuit in Israel was dismissed.

[Family Case 19020-02-22]

Attorney Eli Wolecki, represented the ex-husband in this case in Israel.