Rotem H. Schaeftler
Partner in the firm’s Real Estate department.
Rotem has extensive experience in real estate and expertise in providing legal representation and consulting to contractors, companies, investors, and developers, as well as private clients. Rotem assists with a wide range of transactions and projects, including: accommodation projects, starting from land purchase and contractual engagement, through overseeing the transaction during planning and execution, to its completion, representation in complicated purchase and sale transactions, management of commercial and office space rental systems, land pooling agreements, combination deal agreements and more.
Rotem specializes in promoting urban renewal, evacuation-reconstruction, and TAMA 38 developments, and assists small and large entrepreneurial and contractual companies with these matters, as well as apartment owners working in urban renewal.
Rotem offers comprehensive legal support and representation in all project aspects and with respect to the different relevant bodies, including tax authorities, banks and financing entities, planning and building authorities, Israel Land Authority, municipalities and various municipal entities.